The neutral beam injection division was established in March 2008. It is often called No.13 division or NBI division for short. It is mainly engaged in physics and engineering research related to neutral beam heating, such as physics and engineering of neutral beam heating, physics and engineering of high current ion source, physics of neutral beam transmission, beam diagnostics, measurement and control, cryo-vacuum science and technology, mechanical design and manufacturing technology, etc..
The division is undertaking EAST-NBI auxiliary heating project (one of the national large-scale scientific projects of China). By this time, the first prototype high-current positive ion source has gone through its vacuum test, insulation test, plasma generator’s power supply system test, static high voltage loading test, and obtained the first plasma with arc current up to 900A for two seconds. Assembly of the vacuum chamber has been completed andvacuum test is currently ongoing. Simulations on neutral beam-plasma interaction are also being pursued.
The division welcomes those who are willing to do research related to neutral beam heating to join or to cooperate at any time.