Prof. Qiu Lijian Translated 20th Volume "Low-Temperature Plasma"

count: [2011-07-26] [Close]

At the age of 78, after nearly 4 years of hard working, Prof. Qiu Lijian has finished the translation of the 20th Volume of the Series “Low-Temperature Plasma”. This half-million-Chinese-character book has been published on June 29, 2011.

   The final, 20th volume of the series “Low-Temperature Plasma” which was initiated and headed by academician M.F. Zhukov, is devoted to his memory. In addition to his biography, memoirs of him by his followers and colleagues, the monograph sums up the researches in the field of generation of the low-temperature plasma and plasma technology in the latter half of the 20th century, describes promising directions in the investigation and development of new technological processes.

   Prof. Qiu got this “Low-Temperature Plasma” book when he worked with Prof. А.Н.Тимошевский from Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. With the sensitivity of a plasmsa physics scientist, he realized this book would definitely benefit Chinese researchers engaged in low-temperature plasma study, if they could read it. It is in this circumstance that Prof. Qiu, with the permission from Russian side, and his strong Russian language skill and professional background, translated the book into Chinese, which is published by Science Publication House as its 36th book of its Fundamental Modern Physics Series.

   Though retired in 2001, Prof Qiu is not quite retired at all, still comes to the institute every day, making contribution in his own way. He authored Nuclear Fusion and its Application, which was published in 2007. (Wang Yuan Reports)