Wang Xiangke Won Anhui Science and Technology Youth Award

count: [2011-04-12] [Close]

Prof. Wang Xiangke, Head of the Plasma Application Division, ASIPP, was recently honored Anhui Science and Technology Youth Award for his excellent contributions to local science and technology development.


Prof. Wang and his research group mainly focus on radiochemistry research, recently on the physicochemical behavior of radionuclides in the environment, the interactions between radionuclides and environmental media and nanomaterials. He has published over 70 papers on periodicals such as Environmental Science & Technology, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Advanced Materials, Applied Physics Letters, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B/C, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Carbon, Plasma Process Polymer, and two of his papers have won national and Anhui provincial awards. Prof Wang is an editor of The Open Environmental Pollution & Toxicology Journal and The Open Colloid Science Journal.


This awarding ceremony session was held on March 25 on the 4th Session of the 8th Committee of Anhui Science and Technology Association. (Chen Changlun Reports)